
Са образовањем деце се почиње у предшколским установама које се одржавају у локалном вртићу, те је оно први део образовања. Оно је обавезно од школске 2006/07. године. Траје бар 4 сата дневно бар 6 месеци у години уписа у први разред, за децу од пет или шест година, а циљ му је упознавање ученика са образовним системом и припрема за основну школу.

Growth and development

The homelike quality of our school contributes to a relaxed, focused experience for the child. Our indoor classroom activities are placed on open shelves for selection as interest and readiness inspires the child. Our outdoor environment offers a beautiful developed playground with manipulatives, tricycles, pets, and gardens.

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The child has one intuitive aim: self development. He desperately wants to develop his resources, his ability to cope with a strange, complex world. He wants to do and see and learn for himself through his senses and not through the eyes of an adult. He becomes a full person. He is educated.”

Plan and details

Outdoor learning and tending to our school garden is a big part of our day.

Plan and details

Outdoor learning and tending to our school garden is a big part of our day.

Plan and details

Outdoor learning and tending to our school garden is a big part of our day.